Carer Support
If you are a Carer who helps and supports someone who can’t manage on their own, we want to ensure YOU get all the support YOU need.
To be able to do this, we need to know certain facts about your caring situation, as listed in the downloadable form, which can be found on this page.
Please complete this form and either email to or hand it to our Care Navigators on Reception at any of our Surgery sites.
If you are agreeable, we will pass your details to the Carers Trust Service, a countywide organisation providing relevant information and advice, local support services, newsletter and telephone line for carers.
With your permission, we will also refer you to have your needs assessed by Adult Care Services. This is called a Carers’ Needs Assessment.
There is no charge for this, and it’s your chance to discuss your role as a Carer and what help you may need to:
- Support you as a Carer
- Maintain your own health
- Balance caring with other aspects of your life, like work and family, looking at both your current and future needs
It’s not about judging the way you are caring for someone, nor should social services assume that you wish to become, or carry on being, a carer.
As a result of completing the Assessment, the local authority may provide services to help you in your caring role or to maintain your own health and well-being.
It can also look at the needs of the person you care for. This could be done separately, or together, depending on the situation.
Register as a Carer
It is important to let us know if you are a Carer for one of our patients.
Sometimes when people are looking after someone they can get tired or frustrated and would like to know that there is someone outside the family who might understand and can help them. If we know that you are a main carer, we can offer you that help.
Not only can we take greater care of you, but we also need to know who is supporting our patients. The information you give us will be added to the notes of the person you are caring for, so we can contact you quickly in an emergency or if we have any other concerns. Also if you have concerns we know we can talk to you, as the main carer, with their permission.
To notify us that you are supporting one of our patients, please speak to one of our Care Navigators on Reception at our Surgery sites.