Partnership Update FAQs – 17-08-2020
SHP Update FAQs
In line with NHS England’s directives and managing patient care during COVID-19, Solihull Healthcare Partnership has made several changes over the last 4 months which has changed how patients can access healthcare support from us. In order to uphold our vison and mission statement in providing safe, effective care for our patients, we have moved to provide care as a larger organisation and centralised our provision of care by utilising all healthcare professionals who previously used to work at our 7 sites. In order to answer some questions you may have around this we have produced a series of FAQ’s to help our patients understand the changes that have taken place.
The current coronavirus crisis has highlighted to NHS England that there is an opportunity to revolutionise general practice.
The pressures on general practice are immense and it is evident that the existing ways of working pre-coronavirus were not sustainable.
Going forward our vision is not to revert to the old way of practice at SHP. We want to streamline all areas of our organisation to make patient care quicker and more responsive by introducing online consult.
Online consultations implemented as the heart of our primary care service enhance the experience of care for patients and support general practice in managing time and workloads, improving both access and sustainability.
You can read more here: