Online Consult
Online Consult
To continue to address the increase in patient demand and in digital use as outlined in the NHS Long Term Plan, Online Consult allows patients to request non-urgent assistance on specific aspects of healthcare from the practice.
We are delighted to announce that Online Consult has now been reinstated.
During the period of time that the facility was unavailable we undertook an audit of how the service was being used. Online Consult is for non-urgent clinical queries only, but it was apparent that the service was sometimes used for areas that it wasn’t designed for, which could potentially result in a risk to patients. In order to ensure that the service is clinically safe for patient use online, we have revised the services available, which are now as follows:
- Sick notes (Fit to Work) requests
- Repeat prescriptions requests
- COVID vaccine queries
- Childhood immunisations queries
- Smears queries
How do you fill in an Online Consult form?
There are two ways to access the forms:

This service is only available to patients who have registered with us.
The surgery will strive to deal with your request on the same day. During busy periods, it may take up to two working days.
If your symptoms worsen or change, please telephone the surgery during hours, or if out of hours NHS111
Medical Emergencies: If you have a medical emergency you should NOT use this service and instead you should dial 999 or attend A&E
Security: Online Consult has been penetration tested and has cyber security certification. No patient data is stored within Online Consult - it’s securely transferred to the practice via the N3 network, which is an encrypted channel.