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Flu Vaccinations


This year we are using different flu vaccines for patients over 65 and those under 65 who are in an 'at risk group'. This is a national public health directive and means that the vaccines offered for both patient groups are the recommended vaccines for you.

Across the country the delivery of flu vaccines to GP practices and local pharmacies have been staggered - so as a result we have fewer vaccines available in September for patients over 65 and no vaccines available to immunise patients under 65 or children until October.

If you have been unable to book an appointment at our September Flu clinics please book for October and November when more vaccines will be available.

This year we are also able to offer the vaccine to patients who have neurological conditions as well as patients who are immunosuppressed, have heart or kidney conditions, diabetes, asthma, COPD, have suffered a stroke or have liver disease, a BMI over 40, are a Carer or pregnant.

We also offer childhood nasal flu immunisations for all children aged 2-3.

Please book your appointment online or by calling the practice on 0121 705 1105.